The chlorinator system electrolytic cells use electricity to convert brine water to a safe dilute sodium hypochlorite solution. Find out more about our range of salt water chlorinators today. The chlorine generator (also known as salt cell, salt generator, salt chlorinator or SWG) uses electrolysis in the presence of dissolved salt (NaCl) to produce hypochlorous acid (HClO) and sodium hypochlorite (NaClO), which are the sanitizing agents already commonly used in swimming pools.
As such, a saltwater pool is . For quality and performance Pool Pro Salt water chlorinators stand-alone.
We stock several models, each designed for different sized pools. With free installation and delivery! Manual dosing of liquid or granular chlorine can be hazardous. Over dosing can cause eye irritation, itchy skin and a strong chlorine order. The AstralPool VX salt chlorinator continuously generates the precise level of chlorine required into your pool.
With the convenience of a touch pad the level of output can be adjusted . Salt Chlorinators are designed to assist with the precise levels of sanitiser to provide you a healthy pool. Leaving you more time to enjoy your lifestyle investment.
With over years experience in manufacturing and engineering saltwater chlorinators , you are assured of the most reliable and advanced salt chlorinator systems available. Autoclear is a high performance salt water chlorination system that lets . ClearWater automatic chlorinators provide safe and reliable pool sanitation. The valve dial is designed for easy viewing and the internal valve. Salt Chlorinator (SSC series), are an alternative means of sanitizing your pool with chlorine using the process of electrolysis. The electrolysis process is achieved by passing the salt water solution through an electrolytic cell which converts sodium chloride (salt) in the water into chlorine gas which, when dissolved in the . Contact the experts now.
Australia wide delivery. Chemical Injection Technologies, Inc. With a big choice of models, the Davey Chloromatic Salt Water Chlorinator is ideal for all residential pools. We strive for the highest quality in manufacture, ensuring long life products . Due to their simplicity of use and reliable properties, chlorine and chlorine compounds have been used successfully in water treatment for decades. Our gas -conveying technology is specially designed for chlorination.
However different the requirements are, our comprehensive range of well-proven units can deliver doses . The FreeFlo salt chlorinator uses common table salt to produce all the chlorine your pool needs, right in your pool-safely, effectively and automatically. Designed for the budget conscious pool owner, the Freeflo series by Pentair live up to its motto Simply Reliable.
The Freeflo salt chlorinator is engineered to stand up to the . This free standing inline automatic chlorinator will work for either in-ground or above ground pools. This unit is made of heavy-duty resin. This in-line chlorinator is designed for . Industry-leading commercial chlorine gas water treatment.
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