Icopal monarplan

PVC fólia, PVC hydroizolácia na všetky bežné typy striech. BBA certifikácia životnosti viac než rokov. Odolnosť proti UV žiareniu. Rýchle kladenie, jednoduchá aplikácia.

Jednoduchá kontrola a údržba strechy.

Záruka na výrobky je štandardne rokov. Fólia je ideálna na použitie do priťažených strešných systémov. Fólie Monarplan GF má na spodnom povrchu 250g polyesterovou rohož, ktorá umožňuje účinné lepenie fólie na podklad. Monarplan single ply roofing membranes and accessories deliver high performing, lightweight, flexible roofing systems which are easier, safer and quicker to install.

Able to meet highly challenging design briefs, Monarplan PVC roofing systems deliver excellent thermal performance and airtight construction, thereby . The non-wick polyester fabric gives the membrane inherent tensile strength which is required to facilitate the use of steel fasteners to restrain the system against wind uplift. Icopal Syntetic Membranes vyrábí vysoce kvalitní PVC fólie pro střechy, geomembrány přátelské k životnímu prostředí a systémy pro renovaci potrubí.

Folia dachowa Monarplan FM jest uniwersalną membraną dachową. System gwarantuje krótki czas instalacji i natychmiastowe uzyskanie szczelności spoin. Monarplan GF is glass reinforced PVC roofing membrane incorporating a 250gsm polyester fleece backing.

The factory laminated polyester backing allows the. Monarplan FM производитс я методом каландрирования. Monarplan FM – это однослойная механически закрепляемая армированная полиэстером мембрана.

Monarplan synthetic PVC membranes and accessories deliver high performing, lightweight, flexible roofing systems which are easier, safer and quicker to install. Monorplan FM – изображение логотипа Икопал. Материал объединяет в себе все лучшее традиционно свойственное европейским . ПВХ -Мембрана Monarplan (Монарплан) FM, Icopal , Польша купить в интернет магазине ТБС. Icopal Synthetic Membranes, part of the Icopal group, manufactures a range of high performance, lightweight, flexible membranes for use in a variety of business sectors and applications.

Monarplan PVC dakbanen bieden uitstekende mogelijkheden om onderscheidende gebouwen te maken. PVC membranes from Icopal -marketed under the name of Monarplan – have been in use for over years, covering roofs of all forms. Kwaliteit staat bij Icopal voorop.

Icopal Monarplan is a flexible PVC Single Ply Membrane offering excellent characteristics of strength, elongation and weathering making it ideal for new build or refurbishment projects.

All Monarplan Membranes are reinforced and are available with or without a fleece backing providing scope for all methods of application, .